Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shift 4 Family Picnic

Alright, alright it's been a while since I've lasted posted.  Since March I'm started a new job as a Inside Sales Rep for Ahern Rental here in Vegas. I've been there for 3 weeks already.  Honestly, it's been quite a change from being a housewife to a working woman again.  I start work at 5am and work until 1:30pm. Love getting home about the same time as Katie, but hate the fact I have to go to bed at 7:00pm everything to get my 8 hours of beauty sleep (and I mean beauty sleep) cuz past 8pm I tend to become a little bit sleepy and grumpy.  So to save everyone from the drama, I head off to bed. But, it is nice to be back in the work force and getting a paycheck again.  I am loving what I'm doing too which makes it easy to go to work everyday.

Today, Orie's work had their annual Family Picnic and we - meaning Orie, Katie, myself, Buddie and Sadie all went and had a wonderful time.  This years theme was family carnival. So there were fair games to play, bounce houses, and volleyball plus the food....what a spread:  BBQ ribs, chicken fingers, BBQ chicken, corn dogs, corn on the cob, hamburger, fresh fruit, baked beans, salads, cotton candy, deep fried twinkies and oreos, ice cream, slushies, soda, and my personal fav cheesy mac and cheese!  We packed a bowl for the dogs for water, but they got a few goodies too such as the bones from the ribs....they were satisfied as well.

Here a family picture of us. I love it, so on the way home, I had Orie stop at Walgreens and print a few extra copies of it. One for our desks and the others to scrapbook.

The photographer fell in love with Buddie and took a couple of shots of him.  I love it! My baby boy is getting soo old looking!  Look at all of his white hair. He's such a lover!!

Notice there are no pictures of Sadie, cuz everytime he took a picture, Sadie thought the flash was lightening and was looking for a place to hide.  She's soo brave - NOT!

Well folks, it's getting late and I need to hit the hay. 

Have a blessed day!
