Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow? Las Vegas?

Well, yesterday am I woke up and it was just starting to snow. Went in and took a shower and it was really coming down. Turned the news on and schools were closed, and there were numerous accidents in and around town. So, decided to grab the camera and snap a few pictures. It snowed pretty much most of the morning then by afternoon it stopped. I'm not quite sure how much snow we got, but Sadie enjoyed going out in it and jumping around like the crazy dog that she is....

Christmas 2010

Chestnuts roasting my and open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your nose...well it's the Las Vegas way to have a nice roaring fire without the heat! Orie found a loop of youtube and that's what we read the Christmas story and opened out gifts. Santa was good to us.

My little family. This year we chose to just stay in Las Vegas and enjoy the newness of family. It was a really good time. Went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church, came home and had dinner, read the Christmas story and opened gifts.

Of course we were all on the floor and Sadie and Buddie had to jump into the action...That doesn't happen very often.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Have a BLESSED 2011