Thursday, October 28, 2010

when God made you

I love you, Babe.

Happy 10th Anniversary

To the Love of My Life

Ten years ago today, I stood before a church full of people and God and commited my life to you. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I thought I loved you that day, but I never knew that I could love you even more, but I do. God knew that I needed you and when He gave me you, my life was made complete.

It has been an adventure ever since.

- grown as a couple in the Lord
- moved from Wisconsin to Utah
- changed careers (a couple of times)
- served the Lord in and out of church
- adopted a daughter
- are moving from Utah to Las Vegas
- replied on one another
- have had good times and bad times
- never stopped loving one another

Babe, I would go anywhere with you, to the ends to of the earth if you asked me too. You've been my knight in shining armor, my angel in the night, the love of my life and I couldn't have asked for one thing more in you. You bring out the good in me, and I love you with all of my being.

I am looking forward to many more fun-filled and adventurous years to come.

I love you, Babe


Your loving wife

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's Vegas, Baby!

Well, we made it official a few days ago, but we will be moving to Las Vegas mid November, early December. Why Las Vegas you ask? Well, the company that Orie works for is in Vegas. They opened on off sight operation about three years ago in St. George. That is where Orie started a little over two years ago. The company has bought another building and wants to bring everything back in house. As of December 15, 2010 the St George operation will be closed and the new building in Las Vegas will be ready. Shift 4 has offered to move anyone who wants to move to Las Vegas. So, it is with much prayer and seeking Godly counsel that we have decided to move. The company is paying our moving expenses, and also giving Orie a pay raise for his commitment to Shift 4. The company is growing and in today's economy job stability and security is important.

Shift 4 is located in North Las Vegas and that is where we are planning to settle down. The view of the Strip will be like the mountain horizon...we won't be close. The area that we are looking at is like living in St. George with malls, grocery stores, transporation everything real close. We are plannng on getting a 3 bedroom home, as I know we will have company! lol

Katie is coming with us, so not only do we have to look for a place to live, but finding a good school for her too is top priority! She is a bit unnerved about the move like the rest of us are, but she'll do great. She's a great kid, with a sparkling personality and she attacts friends easily.

This weekend we are headed to Vegas to get a house, that way I can start packing and knowing what I'm doing and where I'm living will ease my mind.

Okay, will post more when I know more!



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quiet Saturday

Orie is at a Men's Conference at church all day, Katie is working on school work and well, I'm surfing the web and catching up on the latest world and local news. The house is clean, the laundry is done, I've made my meal plans for the week and well...I can't think of anything else that is pressing that needs to get done. So, decided to jump on my blog and share my bordom you. ha ha

Last night, while Orie was at the Men's conference, I worked on a New Believer's brochure that goes in the New Believer's Bible that is given to people when they make a decision for Christ. I think it turned out pretty neat. I came up with four different designs and I'm looking forward to giving it to the pastors for some feedback. It's kinda weird, we have been going to Calvary Chapel for about a year now, and Orie and I have just been sitting in the pew on Sunday and Wednesdays enjoying being fed. It wasn't until a month ago that God led me to help on the Wednesday night Children's Ministry. It is truly a blessing to see the kiddos in grades 1-3 learning about God and His wonderful love for them. Of course, my first week there, I sat down and asked for prayer requests and one boy looked me straight in the eye and said we need to pray that God heals your foot. How sweet is that?! So we did along with a few of the other requests that were listed. Orie is helping out now with the computers at church as well. He said they are "behind" in technology and with a few minor adjustments they will be up par in no time. He's also interested in learning and doing the streaming video that is live on the internet on Sundays as well. He really was blessed by the fact that while I was up in Salt Lake City caring for his grandparents that I could be part of the service online while he was sitting in the service in St. George. I think that is soo awesome that he wants to do that.

Well, it's nearly 2pm and I'm sitting here in my jammies. Time to hit the shower and become productive. Thinking I may just have to bring out the scrapbookin' stuff and get busy on it. It has been ages since the last time I've worked on it.

Thanks for listening, have a great day! God bless


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Triple "G" in the House

Triple "G" is Great Grandma Goudge came down on the St. George Shuttle on Thursday afternoon for a visit. We had the best of times of course, I had the camera, but never thought of takin' a picture till it was too late.

We went out for pizza, played games, watched movies and just relaxed. This past weekend the St. George Marathon was run, so driving around town was less than crowded.

We taught Gma how to play Mexican Train and Toss Up. We snacked ourselves silly that night too.

Triple G left on Monday, October 5, but guaranteed she'd be coming back soon.

Thanks for coming down Grandma, we loved having you here.