Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This and that...

We got a call from Katie, she and the group made it safely to their destination. Praise God! It was a 24 hour trek to White Fish, Montana. We're praying for a revival in the hearts of the teens that went and for the kiddos that they work with to find Jesus as their personal Friend.

Last night, (Monday) I made steak kabobs and a nice big salad for dinner. We were just finishing up and Orie swallowed his last piece of steak and it got lodged in his esophagus. He tried for about 40 minutes to see if it would go down, but to no avail. I drove him to the ER where they called the endocrinologist in and he took it out. Okay, not just one piece, but 3 large pieces of steak. Needless to say, Orie is rather sore today and his throat hurts. Many of you don't know, but Orie has a disease and it's called eosinophilic esophagitis. You can go on webmd and read about it. Orie found out about 3 years ago that he is allergic to chicken, rice, turkey and eggs, so we've had to make some huge changes in the way we eat around the Goudge household. We have been eating quite a bit of fish, pork, lamb, beef and vegetarian. He now has to go routinely to get his esophagus stretched to prevent him from choking. He was actually due to be stretched again this month...like clock work I guess.

I guess I'd better go and start something for supper, thinking about meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. I loved that meal in high school...lol

Sunday, July 25, 2010

And she's off

I got up at 6:30 this am to make sure Katie was up....sure enough! Got to the church by 7:30 am, and the vans were ready. Katie jumped outta the car, got her stuff outta the trunk and gave me a huge hug goodbye as if to say, mom you can leave now. I stuck around for a few extra minutes to make sure I had all of the proper paperwork signed and such. I think maybe Katie wanted me to go, cuz I was still in my jammies in the church parking lot. I wasn't the only one in my jammies mind you, but Katie quickly put her bags where they were going to get packed and I was just uncool! lol I came home and attempted to lay down, but was too amped, so got up on the computer and just vegged with Becca for a while before I needed to jump in the shower and get ready for church.

Saturday afternoon, Becca and Bryan came over for the weekend. Becca is Katie's bff. They were up soo late, Orie finally closed the party down at 2 am this morning! After Katie left, Becca and Bryan came to church with us, and their folks came and got them in the afternoon. Now it's just Orie and I, wow it's quiet around the Goudge household. Even Sadie is walkin' around lookin' for something exciting to do! lol

I'm keeping my right foot up as I tweaked my ankle on Thursday in Vegas...I'm a klutz I know! Was in Vegas visiting with some dear friends that I haven't seen since before I was married. Oh it was soo much fun walking down memory lane!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Katie's Mission's Trip

Katie leaves in four days to go to White Fish, Montana for a missions trip. She leaves early Sunday morning and will be back on the third of August. She is going with our church youth group. They will be learning how to disciple and then the following week, they will be assisting at a vacation Bible School. Katie is excited, as well as nervous. I can't wait for her to get back and tell us all about it.

We are soo proud of her, she has worked hard to raise all of her support to go, and her spending money too.

Prayers for safe travel to and from and that many lives would be touched as a result.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday is the day of rest!

It was quite a long day yesterday, had a baby shower to go to, then dinner and fun with friends. Got home late and then was up early to get ready for church. Church was amazing today as usual, the worship and then Pastor Rick's message. We're going through the book of Mark right now, and was talking about Peter when Jesus asked him who to men say I am. The Jesus asked more personal, who do you say I am...and he replied, You are the Christ. Good stuff Maynard.

Got home to the COOL HOUSE it was 111 degrees outside when we got home from church. I went and laid down and took a nice nap and watched tv. Looking forward to a quiet night at home with the fam.

Friday, July 16, 2010

109 outside

It's soo hot outside, and I decided to go grocery shopping. I was fine walking around shopping, didn't sweat a bit. However, when it came to checking out that was a different story! The doors to the place are wide open and it feels like I'm entering well H-E- Double hockey sticks. By the time I've unloaded my cart to be scanned, I'm a sweaty mess and the clerk looks at me with sweat dripping off her brow and says..."It's a hot one today." hmmmm Was it my red face? The hair sticking to my forehead? or my melted mascra that gave her a clue I was slowly cooking to death! lol I agreed. I had gotten myself a couple of cold Diet Cokes, so after she rang up the cold beverages, I handed one to her and said this is on me! She opened it up and we toasted our cold Diet Cokes! ahhhh

Note to self: Grocery shopping early in the am or in the evening! NO MORE AFTERNOON SHOPPING FOR CYNDI!

Our Katie

In January 2010, Katie (the one on the right) came to live with us. We are in the process of making her a forever Goudge.
Katie is a nice mix of Orie and I and we have a blast together. She has a great sense of humor and a smile that lights up the room, of course she is 15 so they come and go! lol

The Orie vs The Facebook

Well, Orie had had enough of facebook, so he deactivated his account about 2 weeks ago. After some discussion, he has reconsidered his decision and activated it again. I'll keep you posted....lol

Thought I'd try something new.

We have family all over the country, so decided to start a blog where everyone can come and see that is happening in our everyday lives. Welcome!